Lattice Training
Extensor Bands
Extensor Bands
• Use as a warm up before a session to help increase blood flow as well as a standalone session to help build strength.
• Perfect for both rehab and prehab – helps to develop and maintain excellent finger and elbow health.
• Popular with coaches for supporting mobility and helping to improve extensor strength.
• Take advantage of our multibuy discount and get a set for the office, home, car, and gym – or gift a set to an injured friend.
• Each pack contains 3 colour coded bands – increasing in strength that combine for 7 levels of resistance.
• They’ve used silicone to make their bands because of it’s hypoallergenic properties making it kind to skin – no more cracked cuticles!
• Weight: 0.02kg
• Dimensions: 8×5×1.5cm