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What have we been up to?

Going Greener!

We've always been conscious of our impact and energy usage as individuals but impressing those ideals on our company isn't always straightforward or possible.

Our packing materials are re-used in house at best, recycled and sustainably sourced at worst.

Llanberis Resoles

We are proud to have Llanberis Resoles' new workshop located above us. We have a strong sustainability ethos and being closely tied with a renowned resoling company for the very products we specialise in makes us feel warm and fuzzy.

X-Eryri 2023

The third outing of the X-Eryri took place on the weekend of the 29th & 30th of April.

2023 was the first time X-Eryri became part of a Hike & Fly series, alongside the X-Lakes and X-Scotia, to deliver an H&F overall winner for the UK.

Keep an eye on the dedicated X-Eryri page for news on our upcoming 2024 event.